T he primary focus of the FUNchitecture philosophy is client-centered customer service throughout the design process. The ultimate design solution is one where we work collaboratively with clients to create FUNctional spaces that meet their needs. When the client says, “Hey, what a FUN process — I love what we’ve created,” only then have we succeeded. Whether that means a FUNctional new work space, a hip and FUN retail showroom, a FUNky new restaurant or a FUNomenal cottage up north, we will work together throughout the design process to meet your specific needs!
With An Edge

From Ho-Hum to Fun – A Shared Vision
Funchitecture Definition
Design activities including both the process of planning, designing and constructing space and creating ambience that reflect FUNctional, technical, social and aesthetic considerations. FUNchitecture employs the creative manipulation and selection of material, technology, light and color.
Why Hire
An Architect?
T he best explanation I have read was from a woman named Jean Leathers, president of Practice Clarity, a national research firm that helps architects build their businesses. She says that architects rarely tell you about the highly valuable, intangible benefits of working through the design process with an architect – and she’s right. We, in the profession, always show you pretty pictures of buildings, renderings and site plans of our tangible work. But, there are a gazillion reasons to hire an architect, and quite a few reasons to consider FUNchitecture.
Jean says, “For example, architects perform highly complex kinds of thinking to elicit ideas, vision, purpose, business goals and personal aspirations from within their clients’ heads. They analyze organizational structure and influence organizational development. They recognize and work with political agendas within organizations; help clients obtain financing, funding, and tax credits. They assess how to get buy in, and then guide processes to gain approvals. The intangible skills and services that architects provide contribute just as much as the tangible outcomes to an owner’s successes, such as more heads-in-beds for hoteliers, fewer re-admissions for hospitals, better ambiance for restaurants, and more memorable sporting events for fans.”
I love that she, a non-architect, realizes the value we bring to clients and non-clients alike. FUNchitecture, finding FUNctional and creative design solutions for every need. Call us today!